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Where is Walmart 14 Mile Road?

Here you may find some relevant information about Walmart 14 Mile Rd, Sterling Heights, MI, including the business times, store location or customer rating. Walmart Supercenter is easily reached close to the intersection of Van Dyke Avenue and East 14 Mile Road, in Sterling Heights, Michigan, at Sterling Ponds.

What are the hours of Business at Walmart 14 Mile Rd?

Hours of business for today (Tuesday) are from 6:00 am to 11:00 pm. Here you may find some relevant information about Walmart 14 Mile Rd, Sterling Heights, MI, including the business times, store location or customer rating.

How does Walmart pick up my groceries?

Walmart's trained associates hand pick your groceries. Download the Walmart Grocery app for extra convenience. We'll let you know you're your order is ready. Check in with the app before you head to store, so we're sure to have your order waiting. We bring your groceries to your car and load them for you! Let us do the shopping!

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